Dear St. Anne’s Community,

I write to you today as, once again, our country reels with the devastating reality of pernicious and persistent racial injustice and violence. These are difficult and polarizing times, and while we are all struggling with feelings of anger, worry and sadness, for many people these are not new feelings. It is particularly wrenching that our community cannot be together to reaffirm our commitment to one another, to our founding principles of inclusion, and to the work we must continue to do moving forward, but it’s important that we do so in other ways.

From St. Anne’s inception, Mother Irene and the Sisters built our school to affirm the growth of young people from all faiths and abilities. The Sisters did not discriminate: children were known and loved unconditionally; they still are. Our history inspires us, and today our mission, core values, religious tradition, Portrait of a Graduate, and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion compel us to further their example. We must continue to grow good people who are also courageous enough to stand in support of one another against violence, racism and prejudice of all kinds and who will work together to create a more just society. As always, we adults must model the way, and as always, this begins with our own education and commitment.

In the coming days, you will be hearing from Kendall Early '05 and Kelsey Smith '01, Co-Directors of Community and Inclusion, with resources and invitations for discussion about what we are seeing, hearing, and reading in the news about the latest racist attacks, including the peaceful and violent reactions that have followed. While summer is upon us, our students will continue to have our support as needed.

In the meantime, I want to reiterate St. Anne’s commitment to know and love every one of our students unconditionally and to further educate ourselves and our students in order to support those who, for too long, have experienced the compounding trauma of systemic racial injustice. The faculty and staff and I continue to lean into this work, and I thank you for partnering with us as we do.

With faith in our community and with prayers for all who are hurting right now,

Celebrating May Day

May 5, 2020

In honor of our May Day traditions, we will be celebrating May Day and welcoming spring all week long!

Welcoming New Teachers

April 23, 2020

As we continue with St. Anne's Distance Learning, we have not stopped planning and preparing for the 2020-2021 school year. We are excited to welcome a few new hires to our community.

SADL (“saddle”) is the newly developed St. Anne’s distance learning program designed to accommodate the social-emotional and academic needs of our PS-8th grade students during an extended period of time when on-campus learning is unavailable.

The purpose of SADL is to provide authentic learning experiences through thoughtful curriculum planningflexible scheduling, and consistent connections with peers and teachers.

At the center of SADL is the belief that St. Anne’s remains committed to educating minds, enriching hearts, and expanding horizons.


Introducing SADL!

March 20, 2020

Read More - Introducing SADL!
SADL (“saddle”) is our newly developed St. Anne’s distance learning program. At the center of SADL is the belief that St. Anne’s remains committed to educating minds, enriching hearts, and expanding horizons.

St. Anne's Community,

We have decided the best course of action is to begin spring vacation on Monday, March 16. We plan to resume classes on March 30. This decision came following Denver Public School’s announcement and although we really hoped this wouldn’t be the case, we understand that we need to be a united school community. We need to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

We will continue to update our community over the next two weeks. 

We are amazed by the level of support and thoughtfulness this community has provided during these uncertain times.

Thank you.

Join in the fun! St. Anne's will kick off its third annual Blue/Gold Week for students in 1st-8th. On top of that, Penny Wars begins Tuesday, February 18, which is a fun opportunity for our kids to raise money for a charitable organization while competing by class and color! This year, all proceeds go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
St. Anne’s Episcopal School is excited to announce Margaret Grant Mitchell ‘90 as our new Middle School Head beginning July 1, 2020. Click below to read more.