On Thursday September 27, the 7th grade spent the day learning about food insecurity in classes and through various experiences. In all of our classes/subjects, we learned about food insecurity which is where people struggle to find consistent access to healthy food, and they don’t always know where their next meal is going to come from. One specific thing that we learned about is what a food desert is. A food desert is when people don’t have access to fresh healthy food. They usually don't live within walking distance of a supermarket that has fresh fruit and vegetables. The USDA says that in 2017 about 40 million people suffered from food insecurity, including over 12 million children. In math, we were given a limited amount of money to spend on groceries based on a lower income. The twist was, we also pretended like we were in a food desert so if you wanted to go to the grocery store and get fruit, meat, and vegetables, you would have to take a bus that cost money. So was going to the supermarket worth the extra money, or is it worth saving the money and walking to a convenience store like 7/11? People who are food insecure may be forced to choose to get things like fast food and junk food from the stores. The problem with that is you could be eating very unhealthy. Lots of people don’t just have to feed themselves, they also have to feed their children. And, when people get sick, they have to spend money on medical costs too which hurts their budget. Overall, food insecurity is a serious issue, and has to somehow be stopped.
At lunch on Thursday we also participated in the first ever hunger banquet at St. Anne’s which allows students to get a window into the differences that exist around food access around the world. Each 7th grade student got a card at random which assigned them to a developed country or developing country. I got a card that allowed me to only a serving of rice and beans while sitting on the floor. Others had access to a meat and vegetable and others could eat everything plus got a nice table cloth and other perks. I was fine with the rice and beans, but when I saw the one group eating cake, soda, and other luxurious foods, I started to feel empathy for the people who have to eat this everyday or have limited options. It was also surprising to hear that only a small percentage of the world enjoyed the kinds of meals we get everyday at St. Anne's. Overall this was a truly humbling experience that expanded my horizons and experience what people have to face everyday.
In the afternoon, we divided into different action project groups. Some students worked on making posters to put in the halls to raise awareness about food insecurity. Others wrote over 70 letters to representatives and grocery stores asking for help. One group made 150 lunches that went to the organization Impact Locally that supports both kids and adults who are in need of a meal. Other projects included working on presenting to the middle school at assembly, creating a one page document that highlights foodbanks and soup kitchens for those who would benefit from that information, and writing this blog!
It was clear from the day why it is so important that we and others volunteer to work at the soup kitchen, so that people trying to pay bills and support their family that are in need can get a healthy and nutritious meal which does not cost them anything.
*This article was contributed to by 7th graders George, Tristan, Ben and Alex as part of their action project to raise awareness about food insecurity. Special thanks to the Sodexo Dining Staff for all their help running a great day for us!
-Sumant Bhat
Head of Middle School