Tech In and Out of the Classroom

We believe that the use of technology should enhance teaching and learning. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our faculty, with the support of our technology team, have adopted technology tools and practices that promote learning for all students in many different spaces. 

Whether you choose to learn remotely or in the classroom, our new technology gives teachers and students a live classroom experience.

When campus is open, cohorts will use Swivl and Zoom to stream lessons to their partner cohorts and to students off-campus


More about Swivl

  • Swivl robot rotates to follow the teacher automatically.

  • Audio is captured throughout the classroom, so it even catches the moment when a student asks a question. 

  • Swivl integrates with Zoom to stream and record lessons. 

Changes to Technology Tools and Electronic Communication

In response to COVID-19, and recognizing the need for access to technology tools, St. Anne’s will provide students with their own personal devices. K-2 students will receive iPads; 3rd-6th students will receive Chromebooks, and 7th and 8th graders will receive Macbooks.

Students are expected to take their devices home each night in case of a cohort closure. 

Because of the growing need for student-to-teacher communication, we have enabled St. Anne’s email addresses for students in grades 4 - 8. 


Some important things to know about these changes:

  • Students are responsible for taking proper care of their devices. 

  • Students are expected to adhere to our technology policies whether on campus or at home.

  • Students will charge their devices at home every night and come to school with fully-charged devices each day.

  • Students with email addresses are able to send and receive emails only with St. Anne’s faculty and staff.