15-19 y 22-26 de mayo

Due Wednesday, May 17  by 5 pm 

1. Read the article you received about Fidget Spinners. 

2. Write for 20 minutes in Spanish about one or two trends among St. Anne's students in 2017. Describe the trend/s, how you play or what you do with it (if it's a toy or object), why you think it's popular, etc. Do your best to use a variety of vocabulary that you know, write complete sentences, write as much as possible and be thorough without being too repetitive.

8 a 12 de mayo

Para el lunes 8 de mayo 

No hay tarea. 

1 a 5 de mayo

Para lunes, 1 de mayo 

To prepare for your interview on Monday or Tuesday, do what you can to light up the language part of your brain! Listen to music in Spanish (¿Necesitas ideas? Ve esta lista de ganadores de los premios Billboard Latinos de 2017), read in Spanish (Periódico El Gancho, ESPN Deportes), watch a movie you are familiar with but change the language (not subtitles) to Spanish and listen to a few sections of the film completely in Spanish, practice talking with a classmate on the phone or in person, practice talking to yourself, and review vocabulary, including question words like ¿Por qué?, ¿Qué? ¿Dónde?, ¿Cuándo?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Cuál?, ¿Quién?

Here are some topics: 

  • Can you describe, explain, compare and contrast?
  • Your typical daily routine
  • Your weekend routine  
  • Someone else’s routine
  • Denver
  • Alma
  • Fears
  • things in life that make you happy
  • Favorites: foods, sports, vacations, class in school
  • people you admire
  • St. Anne’s
  • your classes
  • weather
  • food, cooking
  • Games and sports
  • Retell a story
  • tell an original story
  • things you want to do, be or have in your future

24 a 28 de abril

Para jueves, 26 de abril 

Log in to Quizlet and do at least 15 minutes of FOCUSED learning and practice of the words and phrases in Quizlet 7.7 If you don't log in, you don't get credit.

Para miércoles, 25 de abril 

1. Read this list of statements and think about which of them are your strengths as a Spanish speaker. 

  • I use vocabulary from several everyday topics or themes.
  • My structures and word order are somewhat accurate.
  • My pronunciation is mostly accurate. I try to use native sounds
  • I try to speak at a consistent rate.
  • I meet the communication goal (complete the task).
  • I use simple details to support my response.
  • I use mostly simple and some compound sentences.
  • I ask a few questions to keep the conversation going.
  • I can clarify by using different words 

2. Write three questions you would like me to ask you in the interview. 

Para lunes, 24 de abril 

1. Do the following grammar exercises: 

Subject-Verb Agreement 

Regular -ar verbs in the present tense

Regular -er verbs in the present tense

Regular -ir verbs in the present tense 

Bring questions if you have them. Be prepared to show your understanding. 

2. Choose at least two vocabulary topics from Level 1 and two vocabulary topics from Level 2. Play the games and/or do the activities for that topic. Be prepared to tell the class which topics you did. 

18 a 21 de abril

Listen to these audio segments and answer the questions

Grammar practice

Para viernes, 21 de abril 

Finish the packet of readings and questions that we started in class. If you finished in class, there is no additional homework. 

Para jueves, 20 de abril 

Read this paragraph and answer the questions in Spanish. Please do not use a dictionary or other resource. Use your powers of inference instead. 

Para miércoles, 19 de abril 

Choose four of the following topics. Review Quizlets 7.1-7.8. Using vocabulary/phrases from Quizlet and words and phrases you already know, write a list of 10 words and phrases (in a Google Doc) that are important in order to be able to say a lot about each of the topics you chose. Share your Google Doc with me. 

  • Describe your typical school day, starting with waking up and ending with going to bed.
  • Describe a road trip that you want to take with your best friend.
  • Describe Denver to someone who has never been here
  • Describe the plot and characters of your favorite movie.
  • You are organizing a scary Halloween party at your house. What is it going to be like?
  • Compare and contrast Colorado with another state.

10 a 14 de abril

Para jueves, 13 de abril 

Study and practice the words on Quizlet 7.8 for at least 1 minutes. 

Para miércoles, 12 de abril

Find the menu for a restaurant where you like to eat. See if they have a menu in Spanish as well as English. Take a screen shot of the menu (Spanish and English if possible), insert the image(s) in a Google Doc and share it with me. Look on the vocabulary sheet from class today and choose two ways to react to your favorite item on the restaurant's menu. 

Para lunes, 10 de abril 

No hay tarea

3 a 7 de abril

Para viernes, 7 de abril 

Choose an article or topic of personal interest from the Ahora magazine. In your cuaderno, write from 50-100 words (or more if you want!) about the topic, the article or one aspect of the article or topic. Recuerda: quantity matters and so does pushing yourself to improve as a language learner. Stretch yourself by using vocabulary you find in the article, using 2-3 new words and writing in complete sentences.

Para jueves, 6 de abril 

Outreach. No hay clase. 

Para miércoles, 5 de abril 

Read the article you chose from the magazine. In your cuaderno write: 
  • el título del artículo
  • Ideas principales
  • Información principal
  • las 10 palabras y frases más importantes (for someone to grasp the article)
  • 3 preguntas que tienes (remaining questions you have about the article)

Para martes, 4 de abril 

No hay tarea. 

20 a 24 de marzo

Para jueves, 23 de marzo

1. Quizlet 7.7 15 minutos 

2. Read Episode 4 (el último episodio) del Show de Salmón. Make changes or additions as you see fit. 

Para miércoles, 22 de marzo. 

In class on Wednesday, we will film part 3 of our movie. Read the script. Send me an email with 3-5 sentences in Spanish about what you think will happen in Scene 2 of Episode 3. 

Para martes, 21 de marzo 

Open a Google Doc and write 3-5 sentences in Spanish about what you think should happen next in our video show. Share the Google Doc with me. 

Para lunes, 20 de marzo 

Practice the lines on this shared document so that you know them and add to the characters' actions and words for Monday when we film. Also, come up with other things your characer can say based on what you know now about Episode I. 

13 a 17 de marzo

Sub Instructions for MONDAY, MARCH 13

1. Get computer and headphones. 

2. Click on this link and watch the videos for Grade 7 about conjugating verbs in the present tense. (scroll down to find your videos)

3. Complete the packet for Grade 7 about the present tense. Anything you don't finish is homework. 

Para lunes, 13 de marzo

Quizlet 7.7 for at least 15 minutes. Flashcards, Match, Spell and others.  Log in if you want credit. 

6 a 10 de marzo

Para viernes, 10 de marzo 

Continue your description of Bee Movie in Spanish in your cuaderno.

Para jueves, 9 de marzo 

No hay tarea

Para miércoles, 8 de marzo 

No hay tarea

28 de febrero a 3 de marzo

Para lunes 6 de marzo 

Think of another group game you know how to play and write down how it is played--in Spanish and in your cuaderno. Your description should be detailed enough that someone could understand and play the game from what you write. You might be doing some circumlocution in this writing! 

Para el miércoles, 1 de marzo 

Quizlet 7.7 10-15 minutes. Log in if you want homework credit. 

Para el jueves, 2 de marzo

Read the lyrics to La Bicicleta by Shakira and Carlos Vives. Listen to the song if you have access to it on Spotify, Napster, or other streaming music service. Write down the Spanish phrases that mean: 

1. Take me for a ride on your bike. 

2. my heart, beating for you 

3. I love you so much. 

4. I like you because you're different.

5. On a bike that takes me everywhere 

6. I can be happy walking relaxed among the people.

21 a 24 de febrero

Para viernes, 24 de febrero

No hay tarea.

Para jueves, 23 de febrero 

No hay tarea 

13 a 17 de febrero

*Owen and Will will be writing the script for the first episode of our show (Due Tuesday, February 21). It shouldn't be too long; remember, we are looking for about 10 minutes of raw footage that will be edited down to 5 or so minutes of a show. This is challenging, but possible. The first episode needs to introduce the main characters (Hunter, Tim, Eva y Jenny) and the concept plus some of these ideas (some of them will work better in later episodes): 

  • must be clear to viewers that son dos mundos: un mundo es el programa de televisión del Sr. Salmon y el otro mundo de los actores y sus vidas. Ellos no saben que son actores en el programa de televisión.
  • Jenny vive en el mundo de Sr. Salmón y en el mundo con los actores. Solo Jenny vive en los dos mundos. 
  • El autor de la carta de Jamarcus es realmente Jenny. El autor no es el papá de Jamarcus. La carta tiene el secreto de que las personas reales son simplemente parte de un programa de televisión. 
  • Dr. H entra y ayuda a todos, pero él también es muy extraño. Siempre está observando a las otras personas. Muy extraño. 
  • Todos están en una escuela y no pueden escaparse. No recuerdan (no tienen memoria) de por qué están allí y cómolegaron.
  • Los maestros desaparecen en medio de la clase. Al principio los estudiantes están contentos, pero después se dan cuenta que están atrapados en la escuela y no pueden escaparse. 

Para viernes, 17 de febrero 

1. Practice Quizlet 7.6 for at least 15 minutes. Don't forget to log in. 

2. Log in to your Seesaw account using your St. Anne's Google account. Record a video (no audio necessary) showing how you tie your shoe.  (Remember: To add a video to Seesaw, click the plus sign in the green circle and choose "video.")

Para jueves, 16 de febrero 

No hay tarea

Para lunes, 13 de febrero 

Read all of the personajes (characters). Emma, I think you may have shared your personaje to the wrong email address, so will you copy and paste your description of your personaje (Personaje J)  into the document, please? Mary, will you also paste your description of your personaje (Personaje K) into the document? Choose the 5 characters that you want to be the major characters and send me an emall with your choices. 

6 a 10 de febrero

Para viernes, 10 de febrero

Create a character for our Misterio apocalíptico. Write the description of your character in Spanish in a Google Doc. Use the questions below to help make your character memorable and interesting, along with any other details you want to include. Don't use Google translate or look up too many words. Write as much as you can by using Spanish you know. You could consult with a classmate if you need help figuring out how to say something.

How does he/she show his personality? How do they act in certain situations? 

¿Qué ropa lleva? 

¿Qué le gusta hacer?

¿Qué libros / películas le gustan?

¿A quién admira?

¿De qué tiene miedo?

¿Qué quiere en la vida?

¿Tiene un secreto? ¿Qué es?

What are his/her strengths? What are her/his flaws? 

Does he/she have a treasured possession? 

Otros detalles: ¿cuántos años tiene?, What matters to them? Is there anything you--the creator of the character--know about the character, but that the character doesn't know?, ¿profesión?, etc. 

Para miércoles, 8 de febrero 

No hay tarea

Para martes, 7 de febrero 

Find out ¿Cuánto mides en centímetros? Bring your number to class and be ready to tell us in Spanish.